Hello There Lover,
I’m pleased that you have found me in your search!
I am a Native Oklahoman, currently residing in Oklahoma City.
I have been in the industry for 6 years. I am an established and reputable provider. You can verify this by checking out my Twitter feed!
I am now offering same-day appointments throughout the OKC Metro, and next-day appointments throughout the state.
I require screening and deposits for all appointments.
I hate that this needs to be said; but I absolutely do not discriminate based on ethnicity, gender, age, or anything else.
I am newbie friendly and I love acting as a tour guide—both in the industry and in the city!
I can come across as all business online, but I guarantee that I am a blast in person. My sense of humor is unmatched, and my free-spirited nature is refreshing to most.
I can’t wait to meet you, and I hope you don’t hesitate to reach out and book.
Call or text now at +12143080520, or email me at [email protected].
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